Firstly, I would like to wish you have a blessed day. Okay, actually there are toooooo many story I want to tell and I dont know where should I start first. This blog is NEW for me..anyway, why not I just introduce myself ...
okay maybe this part was interesting (for me)...i like to write biodata since I was in Standard note book,exercise book , any book I will write my biodata on the 1st page..and for sure the hobby,ambition and the favourites will be change day by day.
lets begin :
Name : Yara Yasmine (not a real name) ... I like this name because its look cute..'Yara' I found it when I went to Amman, Jordan...there was a girl name Yara......and Yasmine I took from errrr...u know when I chat with arab people and say صباح الخير (good morning) they will answer sometimes صباح الورد or صباح الياسمين ahaaaa I took from there....Yasmine is actually a flower ,in english we call 'Jasmine' arabic is Yasmine..ahaa take a look..this is Yasmine hehe
sometimes we use it as a perfume..if u buy it in the middle-east country...surely the smell is really nice.okay thats enough for describing my name.
Age : I cant specific my age but its between 17 - 23...(still a teenager)
Education Background : 7 and a half years learning & memorizing the Holy Quran ...alhamd lilah finally i finished memorised the whole Quran when I was 14. Now, I am studying in a high school. This is my last year (senior year) before I am going to continue my study in the university. only that I can share in here. Lets talk about my purpose of writing in this Blog.
The purposes are :
- Main purpose : sharing knowledge with peoples as our Prophet Muhammad said in his hadith :
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Convey from me even if one ayah (verse)''
[Al - Bukhari]
moreover, this is one kind of da'wah ,spreading knowledge and i hope every word I type , it can give benefits to others so that I can get a special reward from my Lord.
- Next, I want to improve my English language. I will try my best as best as possible to write in English. I am sorry if i am using a wrong word or sometimes what I write people can not understand. I am still learning.............
- Umm,next purpose. I hope one day 'he' will read my story... <3 who is he? 'my future husband' . Perhaps. Hahaha. Okay, I will story properly as my future husband will read this.
Oh, maybe my family also will read..especially my elder sister because she has a Blog too..ahaa and my brother also even his Blog was full of alga and spiderweb..u know what i mean. but , I dont mind if they read so that they will know the truth about their little sister.
This look like I have too much thing hidden behind the Plumbum wall .I use Plumbum because thats material is the the most suitable thing to save the radioactive substance.
Yes thats the fact.
I thought I have learn from Science Chapter 6 (Radioactive Substance). STOP.
- Not only that, maybe one day my kids also will read..hehe..they will know about their mom..okay thats too far to imagine..err start from here, I think U will know that I am an imaginative person...I could imagine what other people cant..this is special given from Allah...yeah,always daydreaming too...sometimes what I had dreamt will come true..
I can share something about my page...I choose this wallpaper ..(world map)...because I like to travel..I could see the map everyday and remember where were the countries located . wish for my honeymoon is : travel around the world. May Allah give me a rich husband. Amin. Heee :D
Why I use dark colour background ? Yeah I like it so that we can read with relax eyes and feel the enjoyment of reading. and what about the green colour font ? GREEN is good for our eyes furthermore Green is our beloved Muhammad (peace and bless be upon him) favourites colour.
Now, I would like to share my procedure in typing .
- I will always begin with بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم before write something. If i forgot to write it please remind me. Sometimes I could forget as I am really excited to story. But, I promise that I wont forget insha Allah.
- If I put a hadith, I will put Narrated by who in the hadith such as just now I put [Al-Bukhari] .Otherwise, my teacher said it can be a fitnah to the hadith and Our Beloved Muhammad (peace and bless be upon him). Astagh firullah al 'adzim. I will never put hadith if I dont know the narrator.
- Sometimes , I write and write and write and it may be out of the topic..err not sometimes but everytime. 'STOP' can help me to finish the nonsense. for me it is not a nonsense. . but for the reader yes it is.
( ^__^) .Wassalam.
4UMFH: Study properly and I am sure U will be an useful person to people especially for me. Allah ma3ak. Take care ,honey ;)
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Yasmine ,